
Really great video! It would be really nice if Aoyama Gosho makes the ending like this!

I didn't understand Chinese so much... But, at the very least, I know the main point of the video. It was such a great video!! I really love it!

At first I didn't understand about the first scene, but then I realized that it was about the Black Organization had defeated. Look at the police cars, the interrogation scene, and when Conan looked at the luggage full of money.

The second scene is, when Haibara gave Conan the antidote of APTX 4869 so that he (Shinichi) could be together with Ran, even she herself also loves Shinichi.

Then -- you know what happened right? (I didn't want to describe it lol) Conan was shocked. Haibara is about to go away, then Conan realized how Haibara is so special. She didn't had any family members. Her life was full of sorrow. Ran wasn't her true love, she's he's just his childhood friend that knows him for so long. Haibara is more important.

Then Conan pulled her, took the handkerchief that was used to cover the antidote. Haibara was crying. The antidote fell down, but Conan didn't care about it. He used the handkerchief to wipe Haibara's tears.

Then he hugged her. Haibara was surprised.

How if Aoyama Gosho makes DC ended like that? It would be a memorable, romantic ending.

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