
These are some of my 'contacts' on the internet, just in case you need something, asked anything, or just to communicate with me. Haha~

Facebook: (if you add me make sure you mentioned who you are, I don't accept requests from anonymous)

Twitter: @AzzahraMR!/AzzahraMR (I'm currently most active on twitter, almost all day, so this is the best way to contact me... And oh follow me please, I'll follow you back if you mention ^^ )

Tumblr: Part-time Detectives, (could change anytime, I'll tell if there's any change in the URL)


I have some more contacts, but all of the above were the accounts where I'm mostly active (except tumblr, I just made it and not yet written much posts) especially twitter & facebook. Well, that's it. Goodbye (:

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